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Friday, January 13, 2012

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Grandma with Ami
It's been a while since I have written anything and it's because I'm stumped. Yep, hard core case of writers block. Eric's Grandma Bassett passed away on New Year's day and it has left me with a lot of unexpected feelings, at first I blamed it on the pregnancy hormones, but then I realized, I've never had someone close to me pass away. I've only attended one funeral that I can remember, and it was more of a memorial. Granted, it was for someone very close to my family, but not necessarily close to me. I'm still not sure how I'm going to express what I have been feeling, but here goes.
Gary called me on Sunday morning at 10am and my first thought was, 'Shoot, our ward moved to 9am this week, we've missed it.' My second was, 'Wait, so did Gary's, why is he calling?' He asked to speak to Eric and I was able to hear just enough to know that Grandma Bassett had passed away. I didn't know what to do, all I could think was that my grandmas are all still alive, how in the world was I supposed to support my husband through this when I had absolutely no idea what he was going through? Eric sat on the edge of the bed and let the tears come as everything sank in, then he got down on his knees and prayed.
I  loved Grandma Bassett, but I didn't really know her. We would go over for family dinner from time to time and she would always greet me with a hug and a warm smile. Eric told me stories about spending the night at her house when he was younger, about her pancake and scrambled egg breakfasts, and how she would always sing to him before he went to bed. Listening to her life story at the funeral gave me that much more of an understanding about her and her life. But, I still didn't really know her. What I do know about Grandma is this, she raised 5 boys to be incredible men, all serving full time missions and one of which is my loving father-in-law, who has always looked out for me, supported me, and even baptized me, a special moment that I will hold dear forever. I also know, that through the example he saw while growing up, Gary was able to
Photobucketraise two beautiful girls and my wonderful husband, all three born in the covenant and each in turn sealed to their spouses and families for all eternity. And through the example that Eric saw while growing up, his first thought after hearing that his grandma had passed away, was to get on his knees and pray to his Heavenly Father. I thought I didn't know Grandma Bassett, but I was wrong. I may not have seen or talked to her very many times, but just by looking around at the Bassetts, and seeing the wonderful legacy she left behind, which directly impacts my own life, I feel as though I know her. I understand her heart and her spirit and I am so blessed to have been able to meet such a wonderful woman, and even more blessed that I get to
    continue to live in the legacy she left behind, forever.


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