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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Everybody Talks

It seems as though I have once again over analyzed something and went in the complete opposite direction that I should have. When Eric and I separated a couple months ago I debated posting something on here; not a complete blow by blow but a little something to just say what was going on. I didn't want it to seem like I was being a drama queen and honestly I didn't feel the need to defend or explain myself. Lately though people's curiosity has gotten the best of them. The frustrating part isn't so much that everyone wants to know 'what happened' but more that they are asking and talking to everyone except me about it. Someone told me a while back that their marriage was their business and their divorce was their business too. I know a lot of people are confused and that's understandable but how am I supposed to explain what 'went wrong?' No one was there, in our relationship, day in and day out for the past four years except Eric and me and we do know what went wrong, we know it wasn't working, and we know that we are both better off going our separate ways. It didn't work, plain and simple. If that isn't enough of an explanation I'm sorry but there wasn't just one thing or one fight or one anything. At this point I am just trying to get back to a place where I can feel  peaceful and happy again. My number one priority is my sweet little Titus. I feel so blessed to be his mommy and I do the best I can everyday to make sure he is happy and comfortable. Right now we are living with my dad and Garrett but we will be moving out in a couple weeks into an adorable little apartment that couldn't be more perfect for the two of us. We are in a sometimes very stressful transition stage where we are trying to figure out the new normal. It's not a bad thing, just different. But I can feel the dust starting to settle and I can feel those moments of peace come over me when I know that I am doing what's best and that's what I hold on to. I don't know if this clears anything up and I hope that this doesn't seem like some big dramatic thing; I'm not trying to air out my dirty laundry or make a scene I just know that a lot of people are still very confused and since no one has asked me about it directly I figured I'd just respond as if they did.


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