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Saturday, January 19, 2013


I am happy to say that I finally have the internet. After months of holding out, four to be exact, I decided it was time to join the 'real world.' So I cracked, I have a cute little box with green glowing lights that reminds me on a daily basis that I am officially 'connected.' I do have to say though that since I am spending more time on the internet I have been spending less time watching TV which is always a good thing. 
I also got a new laptop this month and when I signed onto my blog for the first time in almost six months and was able to look at it on a full screen I almost cried! Unfortunately most my picture got deleted when I was redoing my photobucket account and it's just making the whole thing look very sad. So I'm going to clean this thing up; get it looking all pretty and presentable again and hopefully start posting on a more regular basis. I'm also looking forward to reading all YOUR blogs since I haven't had the time or resources to do so in quite a while. Thank you for the constant support and I hope all is well with everyone. Happy blogging!


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